Hakim El Hattab



hakimelreveal.js: The HTML Presentation Framework

reveal.js is an open source HTML presentation framework. It enables anyone with a web browser to create beautiful presentations for free. Demo.html · Issues 748 · Pull requests 93 · Discussions

I do most of my presentations using reveal.js https

I use and like Reveal.js but admittedly I sometimes question whether it is the right approach. I try more and more to make my presentations most visual, and too ...


We provide three different ways to install reveal.js depending on your use case and technical experience.

Releases · hakimelreveal.js

reveal.js 5.0 comes with a groundbreaking new feature; scroll view! (#3482) Slide decks are a great format for giving presentations, but scrollable web pages ...

reveal.js (@revealjs) X

The open source HTML presentation framework. Created by @hakimel.

reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework

reveal.js is a framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML. You'll need a browser with support for CSS 3D transforms to see it in its full ...


reveal.js is an open source HTML presentation framework. It enables anyone with a web browser to create beautiful presentations for free.

reveal.js | slides - Autonomous Vision Blog

A framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML. Check out the live demo. reveal.js comes with a broad range of features.

The HTML presentation framework

reveal.js is an open source HTML presentation framework. It's a tool that enables anyone with a web browser to create fully-featured and beautiful ...


reveal.jsisanopensourceHTMLpresentationframework.Itenablesanyonewithawebbrowsertocreatebeautifulpresentationsforfree.Demo.html·Issues748·Pullrequests93·Discussions,IuseandlikeReveal.jsbutadmittedlyIsometimesquestionwhetheritistherightapproach.Itrymoreandmoretomakemypresentationsmostvisual,andtoo ...,Weprovidethreedifferentwaystoinstallreveal.jsdependingonyourusecaseandtechnicalexperience.,reve...